Cathouse Beds

Accessorizing Your Antique Bed Frame

The beauty of just about anything in life, be it a beautiful woman, or a piece of bedroom furniture, can be enhanced by the way you accessorize them . Bracelets , necklaces and earrings on one , and lamps, pillows and comforters on the other. Although a Spartan setting might call for a minimal amount of…

Antique Bed

How To Dress An Antique Iron Bed

If you were to come across any vintage photo’s of bedroom interiors, you would probably be amazed at how spartan they are. The factor that would probably catch your attention before anything else is the lack of pillows that were used and the method in which they were exhibited. Most of the time there was a solitary pair of pillows…

Iron Bed

Redesigning Original Antique Bed Designs

I’ve always been a bit of a “purist” when it comes to antique iron beds and “reproductions”. There have been a few companies that go above and beyond in their efforts to maintain the exact duplication of the original iron beds they’re copying. This can be difficult for numerous reasons, the least of which are…

Iron Bed

Dust Ruffle or No Dust Ruffle

Dust Ruffle or No Dust Ruffle……That is the question. If you’re looking for authenticity and historic value, then you have to opt out of the dust ruffle. Back in the 1800’s, one of the main reasons people were attracted to iron beds was the elimination of rodents in their beds because the iron side poles…

Antique Iron Bed

Dust Ruffle vs. “No” Dust Ruffle

There are two “schools ofthought” when it comes to using a dust ruffle on antique iron beds. The first is that the true traditional iron beds of that period didn’t have dust ruffles. The reasoning behind that theory was that a dust ruffle would have negated one of the main reasons for the elevated stature…

Antique Iron Bed

Dressing Your Old Iron Bed

Many people just aren’t aware of the proper way antique iron beds should be dressed. If the truth be told………there really is no proper way. Much of how a person dresses their bed depends on two things…….. The gender they’d like it to portray  and the setting they want it to blend with. As you…