cathouse beds

Whoopi’s Iron Beds

In the early 90’s I had the distinct pleasure of meeting  and selling a number of iron beds to Whoopi Goldberg. At the time she had just started dating a high profile actor who I’d also sold a number of iron beds to over the years. I’d first sold him an iron bed for his…

cathouse beds

Iron Beds for Princess

What little girl hasn’t looked at her parents one day and said I want a “Princess” bed. Well being a parent I knew exactly what she meant. She meant a iron canopy bed. A remark like this usually came after seeing a Disney movie with a princess and her castle bedroom. Little girls have always…

cathouse beds

Iron Side Rails…..All Are Different

If you’re searching for an antique iron bed and you’ve found one you like…….be sure it has a set of siderails. Now…… be sure and check to see that they fit…..perfectly. DO NOT take the dealers word for it. Have him set the iron bed up with the rails and make sure it doesn’t wobble…

cathouse beds

Tracking the Illusive Iron Bed

For the longest time it was widely thought that most of the iron beds being produced back in the 1800’s, were coming out of the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania area. That thought was because the vast majority of steel production was also in Pittsburgh. But more and more is coming to light that many of the iron…

cathouse beds

Before & After Iron Bed Castings

Here is a photo of a iron bed casting, before it was sandblasted, and the same iron bed casting after it has been sandblasted and refinished with our Black Smyth finish. Iron beds get the name from the cast iron castings that hold the design element of the iron bed together. When you hear about…

cathouse beds

The Tulip Iron Bed

The tulip iron bed is probably one of the more prolific iron bed designs to have been copied and duplicated back in the 1800’s. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. That couldn’t be more true with this iron bed style. I’ve have at least 6 versions of this tulip iron bed. The…

cathouse beds

Double vs three fourths iron bed sizes

Many people come to me with 3/4 size iron beds and want to know where they can have custom size mattresses made for them. First of all…… any mattress company will either make you a regular 3/4 size mattress or already have one that is readily available to buy. 3/4 size beds are not uncommon…

cathouse beds

Restoration Hardware Knob & Iron Bed Finish

For those of you familiar with the store Restoration Hardware, I think we can all agree they do some great looking older vintage finishes. Not really your distressed setting by the barn for the past 200 years finishes, like we do on our iron beds. But some clean old looking finishes that are very rich…

cathouse beds

Iron Bed Refinishing Copper Tone Wash

We have had many customers with Craftsman style homes come to us for iron beds. Ever since we became aware of the Craftsman Period and what furnishings and finishes were appropriate, we’ve been trying to come up with earth tone finishes to make our iron beds blend better with their surroundings. Particularly the redwood earth…

cathouse beds

Craftsman Iron Beds

The American Craftsman Style, or the American Arts and Crafts Movement, is an American domestic architectural, interior design, landscape design, applied arts, and decorative arts style and lifestyle philosophy that began in the last years of the 19th century. As a comprehensive design and art movement it remained popular into the 1930s. However, in decorative…