Having just written a blog regarding potential iron beds for the guest room, I thought it prudent to touch on similar things that should be considered when selecting a bed frame for your Master Bedroom.
Obviously the first thing is size……… Most people that are looking for their Master bedroom are looking for either Queen or King Size. For those of you that have a double/full size in your Master Bedroom…..I applaud you. You’re in the minority and are either single and intend on staying that way, or you have one of those incredible marriages everyone dreams of that closeness is a priority. But for the bulk of the population, either Queen or King Size is what you’re probably going to be going for. That being said…….the larger sizes are ones that are going to have to be converted from the original double/full size antique. To be able to “visually” and structurally carry the larger size mattress, you’re going to need to select a bed that is at least 1″ diameter thick wall tubing across the top perimeter of the bed frame design. Thinner gauge beds aren’t going to look appropriate or give you the structural integrity you need.
Another physical property you’ll want to be concerned with is the “density” of the interior design on the bed. That doesn’t necessarily mean how fancy a bed is. It simply refers to the amount of “vacant” space there is in the interior design. This can be an issue because if you tend to either watch TV in bed or possibly read in bed, you’re going to want a headboard with enough interior metal work and design to support the pillows you’ll want to prop up to do your reading or TV watching. Many beds have great design and are really beautiful for the aesthetics……. but not necessarily practical for supporting an number of pillows.
After you’ve established the size you want…….you’re now ready to decide on the “style”. There are two schools of thought about selecting the style of a bed. The first is to select a bed design and style that goes with the rest of you bedroom furniture. The second is to start with the bed and work around it. Well if you already have invested in bedroom furniture and aren’t about to start over again, your selection of a bed should be something that works with what you already happen to have. Another thin that will help in this area is to have the “finish” coordinate with your existing furniture. We’ll get to finish in a minute…….
Now if you’re just starting your out with your master bedroom……consider this…….why is it called a bedroom? Pretty simple question and even easier answer……because it houses your bed. So what better place to start if your room is a clean slate, that with the selection of a bed. That should always be the focus of your bedroom and everything else should work around it. There are numerous styles to select from…..Austere/Craftsman, Deco, Art Nouveau, Victorian, Edwardian, etc, etc,
Now once you’ve decided on the size and the bed frame , your final decision is going to be the “finish” you want on your freshly restored antique iron bed. “Finishes” are countless, but can determine the entire mood of your bedroom…….somber or happy, childlike or mature, light and fresh, distressed and old, clean and new. They also can fall on either side of the “gender” fence. The simple thing is to select a “one color” finish to match the other bedroom furniture. Boring!!!!!!!!!!! There is a world of beautiful “fax” finishes that can really bring your bed and room to life. Take the time to see all your options. When we sell a bed, we show our customers a large album of potential “finishes”. It’s also a way of really personalizing your bed.
This may sound like a long involved process. It’s not. Consider the amount of time you spend in bed. Word has it nearly a third of your life. Shouldn’t that third be as relaxing and pleasant as possible?
I hope you’ve found this blog informative . I invite you to revisit my website
to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
I also invite you to take a look at our company Face Book page for multiple photo albums on Custom Finishes, Canopy Conversions and a comprehensive “Before & After” King Conversions album.
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