Having been in the iron bed business for close to 40 years, I’ve seen most beds more than once. I have albums upon albums of different bed styles I’ve come across over that period. But it always amazes me when I get a bed in that I’ve had in the past that looks so uniquely different just because of the finish and aging it has.
The two beds in this photo were found approximately 15 years apart from one an other. I found one of them in up state New York and the other one outside of Kansas City, nearly 1500 miles apart.
The silver with gold casting one was from Kansas City and had come out of an old hotel that had been demoed about a year before I found the bed. The other one was found by a picker I know in upstate New York. He said it had come out of a barn owned by a very prosperous farmer, who had a pension for collecting things like beds at local auctions. Obviously the upstate New York bed wasn’t taken care of, and it can easily be seen it’s one of those old beds that saw as much time outside in the elements as it did inside. The silver and gold one appears to have never seen a day outside. It is one of those rare iron beds that has an original finish and displays no rust at all.
Ironically enough, more of my customers are looking for beds with the rusted / distressed look, than they are ones that look fresh and new.
When you think about it, what would be the sense in getting an original old antique iron bed and then having it look brand new. Most all my customers want the bed to look it’s age……or at least not fresh and new. Fresh and new is just counter to their authenticity and appeal.
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to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
I also invite you to take a look at our company Face Book page for multiple photo albums on Custom Finishes, Canopy Conversions and a comprehensive “Before & After” King Conversions album.