Many people think iron beds are simply that……. iron tubing that is sometimes scrolled or curved to give a pleasant design to it. What most people don’t know is how intricate the “castings’ on an iron bed can be. True most iron beds don’t have the detailed castings in this photo. But all iron beds have some form of casting that is detailed and carved.
Iron beds with castings like the two different ones in this photo are usually upper tear iron beds. They have become few and far between. Quite a bit fewer were ever made and it seems everyone now wants one.
If you come across an iron bed with some sort of distinctive face…..animal or human……get it. It’s an investment you’ll never ever regret. Because it can’t go down in value.The good old law of supply and demand…….the corner stone of economics.
Most antique iron beds have unique castings. But a rule of thumb, when looking for an iron bed…..the better the castings……the better the iron bed.
I hope you’ve found this blog informative . I invite you to revisit my website
to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
I also invite you to take a look at the multiple “Before & After” photo’s on our company Facebook at – %21/pages/Cathouse-Antique-Iron-Beds/126838177398