Canopy beds were not popular in this country back in the 1800’s. It seems they were very popular throughout Europe in the 1800’s, but not here in the states. That’s why we convert close to 25% of all the iron beds we sell to canopy. It’s done in the same manner they were being constructed into canopies in Europe at that time. We extend, by cutting and welding, the side’s of the bed, so they appear to have one continuous pole starting at the floor and continuing all the way up to the top of the canopy. We pour castings on the side pole where it connects to the interior design. We then fabricate four connecting rods at the top of the canopy that can be taken off for shipping or moving and then put back on when the bed is installed.
We offer the three types of canopies which were most popular during the 1800’s…….Straight Canopy……..Crown Canopy……….Princess Canopy. Take a look.
I hope you’ve found this blog informative . I invite you to revisit my website
to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
I also invite you to take a look at our company Face Book page for multiple photo albums on Custom Finishes, Canopy Conversions and a comprehensive “Before & After” King Conversions album.