Casting Detail……..”Finishes help…….”
So why were these old beauties referred to as cast iron beds?
So why were these old beauties referred to as cast iron beds?
I’ve yet to find a bed that doesn’t look more impressive after a canopy conversion. For some odd reason we didn’t produce canopy beds in this country back in the 1800’s. But at we convert close to 25% of all the beds we sell. I want to thank our clients who were kind enough…
When I first got into the business of buying and selling antique iron beds, over 30 years ago, I use to bring container loads of iron beds over from England.
Bottom line………Buy US………..The iron beds that were being manufactured back in the early to mid 1800’s in this country were far superior to the iron beds being made at the same time in England and the rest of the world.
Very few iron beds we’ve done for magazine shoots have ever received the attention and coverage that this one did with Halle Berry.
So how is that iron beds took over the reins of popularity from the once popular brass bed?
I’ve been buying and selling iron beds for over 30 years. But when I started, iron beds weren’t chic or collectible.
What does Vincent Price have to do with iron beds? You may be asking.
Hearts were a very popular motif in the design of iron beds.
Few iron beds have the unusual and puzzling design that this one does.