As you may already know, the largest size bed being made back in the early 1800’s was a double size. So when someone wants a king size, we convert whatever original double size they select from our inventory into a king size. That’s done by cutting the bed apart in integral places and adding additional tubing to increase the width of the headboard and footboard. We also take molds of the original iron bed castings so when additional vertical rods are needed, we’re then able to pour those needed castings in our foundry. When we convert a double size to king size, it’s done in the same manner in which it was originally put together close to 200 years ago. The cost for king conversion is $425. We basically just cover our cost with our welders and the foundry.
When it comes to Queen conversions, none of the above is necessary. The reason being, the difference in width between the antique iron beds and the modern queen iron bed is negligible…. It’s only a couple of inches on both sides. So a width conversion isn’t necessary like that with a king. The way we accommodate the old double bed to hold the queen mattress is by welding the siderails, that hold the headboard and footboard together lengthwise, longer by 5″. Once put together the box spring and mattress will set on top of the siderails and extend over a couple of inches. Once the bed is appropriately dressed, that width difference is not noticeable. Cost for the Queen siderail conversion is $55.
With regard to Canopy Conversions….We do two basic conversions: Straight canopy with horizontal canopy poles connecting the four posts. This regular straight line is $195. We also do a “Crown Canopy conversion that incorporates the straight canopy and has curves poles that start at the four corners and curve up to a central hoop that is approximately 15” higher in the middle. The Crown Canopy is $295. On both canopy’s, we pour castings in our foundry so the existing side pole, coming from the ground, look like one long continuous pole.
It should be mentioned that all of our bed conversions are done in the same manner foundries constructed their beds back in the early 1800’s. For this reason, our conversions never look like conversions…..
But long before our welder starts the physical process of cutting the tubing to do the conversion, our artist does a rendering of what the bed would look like after the conversion is complete. The bed in this photo had a “before & after” king conversion sketch so our welder and customer will know exactly what their metal bed is going to look like once it’s complete.