I’ve always been a sucker for a old “tin type” comedic photos of animals in iron beds. It seems to have been a more common theme than you would normally think. Not sure what the use of antique iron beds was intended to convey. But it does work.
Our old beds have always been a popular comedic backdrop. Probably because of the personal nature they convey. They have shown up in more old tintype photographs than you can imagine.
Bear’s were a very popular item of decoration in the mid 1800’s. Throughout the Adirondacks and upper New England, Black Bear carvings and art were not only popular in cabin settings but also in many upper class homes. Many of the same homes that displayed the bear art work were also home to some beautiful beds. The style of our beds used in the back wood settings was as diverse as it gets. Some of the plainer more rustic setting appropriately used Austere style beds. Yet other back woods lodges or estates in the wilderness had some of the more elaborately designed beds of the day.
It seemed to be the darker “finishes” that were being used on the beds in the Adirondack and New England cabins. The whiter finish beds were more prominent in the metropolitan areas.
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to answer any and all questions you might have about antique iron beds.
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