What is it that makes one iron bed better than another. Lets start with its structural integrity ………. The size of the tubing certainly is one of the criteria that can determine if a bed is solid with no “flex”. Add to that larger than normal 1/2″ solid rods throughout the interior design , as opposed to traditional 3/8″ solid rods. Combine that with the size castings, “chills” as they were referred to back then, that are needed to wrap around the larger tubing and rods……thus using more cast iron in the process and creating more weight than normal.
Thinner 1″ diameter tubing and 3/8″ solid rod, were the standard for most antique iron beds. Although they were the benchmark for iron beds, back in the 1800’s, it didn’t take long for the people making beds, to realize a bed didn’t have any “flex” to it, and seemed indestructible was going to be better received by the public. Also more detailing can be achieve on a larger casting…….which creates more weight.
So when you’re shopping for an antique iron bed, consider the size of the tubing and weight of the bed. Thinner gauge can give you a great look and the potential “WOW” factor you may be looking for. But if you’re looking for a bed that is going to be used on a daily basis and not in a guest room that gets limited use……..consider the weight and structural integrity of the tubing.
Hope you have found this blog informative. Also hope you’ll take the time to revisit our website for all the things we can help you with regarding antique iron beds.