Quite often the style of an antique bed was way ahead of the style catagory it would fall into. Take for instance the Art Deco Period. This style originated in the 1920’s, specifically the 1925 Exposition of Modern Art in Paris. Yet there are iron beds that were being made in the mid-1800’s that were every bit as Art Deco in their Styling as would be introduced much later in the 1920’s.
The Art Nouveau Period from, 1890 to 1905, was a period where designers tried to make art a flowing expression of everyday life. Yet again I have iron beds from the early 1800’s that were extremely Art Nouveau in their style.
So how did this happen?……… beds being made in styles that wouldn’t become known or popular for decades to come. Who knows………But it’s a testament to the outstanding designers that created the designs for iron beds back in the early to mid 1800’s and were way way ahead of their time.
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