Antique Iron Bed

Dressing Your Old Iron Bed

Many people just aren’t aware of the proper way antique iron beds should be dressed. If the truth be told………there really is no proper way. Much of how a person dresses their bed depends on two things…….. The gender they’d like it to portray  and the setting they want it to blend with. As you…

Antique Iron Bed

Popular Oldies Being Reproduced

Over the years I’ve sold well over a hundred iron beds that different manufacturers have ended up reproducing. Sometimes that reproducing occurred here in this country. But most often it took place in China, Taiwan or Spain. All centers of low price labor. But few beds have ever experienced the popularity as the one in…

Antique Iron Bed

Altering the Height of Your Iron Bed

So you’ve found a beautiful old antique iron bed, gotten home and set it up in your bedroom only to find that once you get your big thick “pillow top” mattress and large square European Pillow Shams…….your headboard is pretty much hidden. What are your options? The first possibility is to have the headboard raised…

Antique Iron Bed

Beds & Pets

Over the years, I’ve had more customers request certain alterations to their iron beds than you can imagine. Most of the time it was to have their beds lowered so a small dog could get into the bed. As you’re probably aware, the rail system on  antique iron beds is about 13″ off the ground.…

Antique Iron Bed

Iron Bed Folklore

Back in the early to mid 1800’s the British made a lot of iron beds that incorporated the use of round “mirror medallions”. Originally thought to have no more than a decorative purpose behind them, it was learned that merry old England was fraught with superstition and the belief in the occult. It is a…

Antique Iron Bed

Casting With Sand

So what is “casting with sand”? Especially when it relates to antique iron beds. It’s a process whereby a mold is taken of an object , by building a box around the solid object  and then packing a dense  mud sand mixture into the box that forms around the solid object. On beds this has…

Antique Iron Bed

Floral Iron Castings on American Made Beds

Back in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, Europe was going full bore in their production of iron beds. We picked up the calling in the early 1800’s and far eclipsed any of the beds Europe was making. There were a few distinctions that set our beds apart from those beds being made throughout Europe…

Antique Iron Bed

An Antique Iron Beds Best Friend is Sandblasting

I’ve lost track of the countless times a prospective customer has said to me, after I’ve showed them the custom antique faux’ finishes we specialize in, ” oh…. I’d only want an iron bed in it’s original condition”. First of all it automatically lets me know what little this person really knows about the restoration…

Antique Iron Bed

Dumping of Reproduction Beds on US Market

“Dumping” refers to the practice of a nation or group flooding a market with less than fair-value products in an unfair effort to dominate that market. This is what happened to the iron beds market in this country about 7 years ago. Prior to this time there were a number of good quality manufacturers in…

Antique Iron Bed

The Passing of an Icon “Dick Clark”

Very few people have had as much of a hand at exposing generation upon generation to the world or Rock & Roll Music. Dick Clark enabled a young generation to see the music they loved, no just listen to it on the radio. His American Bandstand launched the careers of individuals and groups alike that…